Southgate Shopping Centre was sold to Augusta on 30 April 2015 and is under management by Bayleys.

Southgate was the result of careful consideration of a number of development options. We not only achieved non-notified resource consent for the project, we ultimately achieved a zoning change allowing full commercial and retail activity. Urban Partners also entered a co-development arrangement whereby Mitre 10 acquired the land and constructed their own store, while Urban Partners undertook the development of the shared car parking and other retail. The disused timber yard meant that mitigation and remedial works were necessary to address site contamination.

Urban Partners had the strategic foresight to recognise the opportunity and was able to bring the design, construction, leasing and management skills together to implement it, resulting in early entry into the area. Our efforts have been rewarded with continued residential growth and the arrival of the country’s largest retailers including Countdown, Pak n' Save, The Warehouse and Bunnings Warehouse. Southgate continues to flourish as a result of Urban Partners' active management style and close tenant relationships.